Viral Video Shows Public Urination Incident in Mexico City

A viral video captures a woman who, while urinating in public, is doused with cold water by an annoyed neighbor. This act of public urination is prohibited in Mexico City and can lead to fines or arrest.

Viral Video Shows Public Urination Incident in Mexico City

In the last few hours, a video that shows the exact moment when a young woman, caught urinating outside a building, is doused with a bucket of cold water by the owner of an apartment has gone viral. In the clip, two women are seen walking down the street when one of them decides to urinate in public. The neighbor reacts by throwing a bucket of cold water at her.

The woman, startled by the neighbor's action, reacts in fear, while her companion walks away from the scene. The soaked teenager begins to argue with the woman to express her disagreement.

In Mexico City, urinating on the street is prohibited and can lead to penalties according to the Civic Culture Law of Mexico City, which range from fines to temporary arrests or community service. The fine may vary depending on the borough and the severity of the offense, ranging from 11 to 40 Measurement and Update Units (UMA).

It is important to note that these measures apply equally to men and women, considering this action an administrative offense and a disrespect towards others and public space.